Lista Youtube MCN

Lista Youtube MCN - Toate firmele care sunt autorizate de catre youtube pentru a te ajuta sa generezi bani.

Jun 26, 2022 - 00:46
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Lista Youtube MCN

La ce te poate ajuta aceasta lista MCN youtube?

Spre exemplu sa spunem ca esti in cautarea unui MCN dar nu stii care si daca este autorizata de youtube pe a avea acces la canalul tau. Accesand directorul oficial de la youtube poti gasi MCN care te intereseaza si este cel mai aproape de nisa ta.

Sunt multe MCN, unele generaliste, altele pe nise exacte.

Se merita sa colaborezi cu un MCN?

Acum cativa ani era la moda si toti aveau, rulau prin MCN, insa in ultimii ani lumea merge pe cont propriu, lucru care-l recomanda si eu.

Ce face un MCN este sa iti dea acces la unele optiuni care in mode normal ar trebui sa platesti si care ar trebui sa iti faca munca mai usoara. De retinut ca oricum platesti pentru acces cu un procent din ceea ce faci.

Daca esti solo fara MCN primesti 100% din banii generati, iar prin MCN poti primi intre 50 si 80% din banii generati.

Unele iti ofera acces la agentii de presa cu posibilitatea de a utiliza orice video pentru generare de bani. Daca esti pe nisa news atunci asta te va ajuta foarte mult, insa inainte vezi cat costa accesul la o agentie de presa cu dreptul de reutilizare la video, asta pentru a vedea care optiune este mai avantajoasă pentru tine.

Lista de MCN youtube o gasiti aici 

Mai multe informatii despre MCN gasiti aici 

Daca vrei sa afli  ce MCN ruleaza un canal youtube sau daca este prin MCN click aici.

Top YouTube MCN 

O lista cu cele mai notabile Youtube MCN

  • Hashtag Network - Hashtag Network has been growing popular YouTube channels since 2015. From smaller YouTube channels to big YouTube channels, they have creators under their belt and are helping them grow on the platform every day.
  • MediaCube - MediaCube help YouTubers grow. They will help you with monetization, metadata and everything else related to video production. With a lot of kids channels under their belt, this network is viewed as family-friendly and wholesome.
  • Curse: Union for Gamers - This network is exclusive for gamers and is very popular with that crowd. They guarantee you will always get 90% of your earnings. 
  • Freedom Network - Freedom Network has been around since 2013. They pride themselves on the huge community of content creators they have built and will help you with your collaboration efforts, your monetization and your video production process.
  • vidIQ - Founded in 2011, Fullscreen are helping YouTubers (and other social media influencers) grow and thrive on the web. They pride themselves on their veterancy and attitude towards their creators.
  • Overtime- according to their website, Overtime is the leading brand for the next generation of sports fan. This MCN is all about sports and will help grow your sports channel to the next level. 
  • Tastemade- This MCN specializes in the food, travel and home and lifestyle industries. Their goal is to bring forth the best content in these areas for both creators and consumers. 
  • BroadbandTV- BBTV provides end-to-end management, distribution and monetization solutions to content creators in various niches and areas.

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